New thermomagnetic circuit breakers for transformers SM1RT

LOVATO Electric proširuje postojeći asortiman zaštitnih sklopki motora uvodeći novu tipologiju konstrukcije.
Ovo je verzija posvećena kontroli transformatora. Posebnost transformatora sastoji se u visokoj udarnoj struji pri uklapanju koja može uzrokovati magnetsko okidanje kontrole i zaštite motora prekidača.
Termomagnetski prekidači strujnog kruga SM1RT imaju magnetski prag okidanja jednak 20 puta većoj nazivnoj struji u odnosu na 13 puta većoj od one za zaštitu motora.
Novi SM1RT pokrivaju raspon struje od 0,1 A do 25 A, imaju vrlo visoku prekidnu moć, do 100 kA, i imaju cULus certifikat.
Prednosti korištenja termomagnetskih prekidača SM1RT u usporedbi s tradicionalnim modularnim prekidačima su značajne:
- There is an accurate overload protection thanks to the adjustable thermal trip threshold and the thermal compensation.
- The tripping due to the overload current is not affected by the ambient temperature of the installation and is therefore perfectly proportional to the current.
- With SM1RT, in case of protections trip, it is possible to recognize the type of fault thanks to the TRIP position of the lever which indicates the overload or the red flag which indicates the short circuit.
- The control lever can be padlocked in the OFF position.

The protection circuit breakers for transformers can be completed with all the accessories of the SM series like auxiliary contacts, signalling contacts, releases, door interlock handles and IP65 plastic enclosures.
The introduction of the SM1RT thermomagnetic circuit breakers by LOVATO Electric offers an improved solution for the control and protection of transformers, with enhanced features and flexibility to meet specific requirements.